On January 13, 2025, the Ministry of Science and ICT (“MSIT”), led by Minister Sang-im Yoo, reported its 2025 action plan (“2025 Action Plan”) to Acting President and Deputy Prime Minister, Sang-mok Choi, who also serves as the Minister of Economy and Finance. The 2025 Action Plan is centered on the overarching goal of “Driving Digital Transformation with AI and Leading the Future with Science and Technology.”
The 2025 Action Plan focuses on three (3) key policy directions:
- strengthening growth engines based on science and digital technology,
- innovating R&D systems and nurturing talent to prepare for the future, and
- revitalizing the national economy through science and digital technology.
Below summarizes the nine (9) key policy initiatives highlighted in the report:
No. | Policy Initiatives | Details |
1 | Striving to Become a Global Top 3 Leader in AI | With the enactment of the Act on the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Establishment of Trust (“AI Basic Act”) in December 2024, this policy initiative aims to establish the critical infrastructure for the growth of the AI industry, while driving private sector expansion and investment in emerging sectors.
2 | Securing Leadership in National Strategic Technologies such as Advanced Biotechnology and Quantum Science | Laying the foundation for industrialization in advanced biotechnology and quantum technologies to secure global leadership, while also fostering new industries such as future energy and space.
3 | Creating an Inter-Agency Technology Commercialization Ecosystem | Innovating the national technology commercialization platform to ensure that R&D outcomes effectively lead to commercialization, while driving technology commercialization as a unified inter-agency effort.
4 | Establishing a Leading-Edge R&D System | Accelerating the transition to a cutting-edge R&D system while enhancing scientific, technological, and digital diplomacy capabilities to generate tangible outcomes.
5 | Transforming Basic Research Qualitatively and Innovating Public Research Institutes | Staying true to the original purpose of basic research – i.e., the exploration and expansion of knowledge – while positioning public research institutes as central hubs for the development of national strategic technologies.
6 | Supporting the Challenges and Growth of Talents
Enhancing employment and entrepreneurship support to cultivate the growth of talents in science, technology, and digital sectors
7 | Implementing a Compassionate Digital Transformation to Support People’s Livelihoods | Continuing to operate the “Digital Services for Livelihood Support Task Force” while ensuring citizens’ digital access rights.
8 | Establishing Robust Digital Safety Measures for Public Security | Enhancing the digital safety framework to effectively address digital disasters and cyber threats.
9 | Driving Regional Innovation through Science, Technology, and Digitalization | Building a region-led science and technology innovation ecosystem and revitalizing local economies through science and technology-driven initiatives
Key Takeaways:
- The 2025 Action Plan announced by the MSIT outlines comprehensive investment and support policies for advanced technologies such as AI. These initiatives aim to establish a robust institutional framework to position Korea as a leader in the global race for technological dominance in science and digital innovation.
- Companies must closely monitor government R&D support policies designed to drive corporate growth in response to the rapidly evolving AI and emerging industries landscape. Additionally, they should strategically capitalize on economic incentives, tax credits, and workforce development programs to fully leverage available benefits.
- The implementation of key policy initiatives, such as preparing subordinate legislation for the AI Basic Act (Policy Initiative #1), ensuring citizens’ digital access rights (Policy Initiative #7), and systematically addressing digital disasters and cyber threats (Policy Initiative #8), may impose new obligations on businesses. As such, it is essential for companies to actively participate in the legislative and regulatory refinement processes.
[Korean version] 과학기술정보통신부, 2025년 업무계획 발표