


Patent Attorney

Mr. Jeong Sik Kim is a patent attorney at Shin & Kim. Mr. Kim’s main areas of practice include trademark and design prosecution and litigation matters. Mr. Kim has been involved in many significant trademark and design applications, adjudgments and litigation for foreign and domestic clients.

  • 2015-PresentShin & Kim LLC
  • 2011-2015KBK & Associates
  • 2009-2011YOUME Patent and Law Firm
Professional Affiliations
  • 2022-PresentPresident, Korea Trademark Association
  • 2022-PresentMediation Member, Industrial Property Rights Dispute Mediation Committee, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
  • 2015-PresentAssociate Patent Attorney Trademark/Design Lecturer, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
  • 202141st Auditor, Korea Patent Attorneys Association
  • 2020-2022Chairman, Legal System Improvement Subcommittee, Board of Representatives, Korea Patent Attorneys Association
  • 2019Assessment Member, Best Paper Award, Korea Patent Attorneys Association
  • 2018-2020Director of General Affairs, Korean Patent Attorneys Association
  • 2018-2020Trademark/Design Division Member, Policy Committee, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)- Korea Patent Attorneys Association
  • 2017-2020Advisory Patent Attorney, Legal Support Service, Seoul Design Foundation,
  • 2018Seoul National University, Graduate School of Law (M.A. coursework completed, IP Law)
  • 2008Kyung Hee University, College of Engineering (B.S. in Architectural Engineering)
  • 2009Admitted to patent bar, Korea

Korean, English


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