Hyomin Pak is currently a partner at Shin & Kim whose main practice areas include international trade, international investment law, international economic law, export control and economic sanctions, foreign regulations, ESG, climate change, supply chain risks, and public international law, as well as various global issues facing Korean government and companies in the rapidly changing global environment.
Ms. Pak has extensive practical experience in litigation and counseling on domestic and international laws concerning international trade, international investment, export control and economic sanctions, climate change, economic cooperation, and administrative proceedings from her years of service at major Korean government ministries, which provides a basis for her active practice in the fields of international trade, investment, and economy, economic security, export control, economic sanctions, foreign regulations, ESG and supply chain risks. Specifically, Ms. Pak offers major Korean government agencies, global corporations, public corporations, and financial institutions with comprehensive legal, policy, and strategic advice on contemporary global and transnational risks and legal issues and optimal solutions even in times of uncertainty. Furthermore, Ms. Pak advises Korean companies on foreign regulations, regarding supply chain risks, export controls, and financial sanctions that may arise in exports or foreign investment.
Ms. Pak graduated from Pusan National University with a B.A. in Law and received her Master's degree in International Legal Studies (LL.M) from Georgetown Law Center in the United States, where she was a U.S. Department of State Fulbright Scholar awardee. She also completed the 41st Class of the Judicial Research and Training Institute and received her doctorate in International Law from Seoul National University School of Law. Before joining Shin & Kim, Ms. Pak was an attorney at Yulchon LLC as well as a practitioner at major government ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. Since 2022, Ms. Pak has served as a member of the Korean Bar Association, an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a research director of the Korean Society of International Economic Law. Ms. Pak has published articles and presented as a speaker at major local seminars on international trade, economic security, and economic sanctions. In fact, she was named a "Best Lawyer" by JoongAng Ilbo in the field of overseas legal.
- 2025-PresentVice-chairman, Korea Association for International Commerce and Information
- 2024-PresentMember, Advisory Committee, International Legal Advisory Division, Ministry of Justice
- 2024-PresentMember, Foreign Legal Advisory Group for National Assembly Library
- 2024-PresentMember, Trade and Technology Security Research Council, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
- 2023-PresentNon-executive auditor, Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources
- 2023-PresentExpert in trade agreements, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
- 2023-PresentInstructor, FTA E-Learning, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
- 2022-PresentShin & Kim LLC
- 2022-PresentAssessment Member, Overseas Business Support Project, Environmental Industry, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
- 2023-2024Member, Advisory Committee, Economic Security and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 2022Certificate in U.S. Export Controls Compliance, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security
- 2020-2021Yulchon LLC
- 2017-2019Deputy Director, Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation
- 2016-PresentResearch Fellow, Georgetown Institute of International Economic Law
- 2016-2017Editor, Georgetown Journal of International Law
- 2013-2016Deputy Director, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
- 2012-20132nd Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 2010-2012Judicial Research & Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea
- Advised domestic and foreign companies on the establishment and management of compliance programs and provided internal training relating to financial sanctions, export controls, and regulations of major countries
- Advised governmental departments/agencies, state-owned companies, companies and financial institutions on financial sanctions, export controls, new overseas regulations, and international treaties
- Advised domestic companies on issue monitoring, trend analysis, and early alert relating to regulations of major countries
- Advised domestic companies and provided strategic consulting services relating to supply chain risk management-related laws, including the US Forced Labor Prevention Act and the EU Supply Chain Act
- Advised a large domestic company and provided strategic consulting services relating to a US investment project of a large domestic company
- Advised the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on details and impacts of and measures against regulations of major countries
- Advised the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on international trade, international economic laws, trade security, export control, and digital trade
- Advised the Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry on export controls, financial sanctions, and investments of major countries
- Advised the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on economic security, international investment, and international economic law
- Advised Korean governmental departments/agencies on whether draft laws/amendments are consistent with the international trade law/international economic law
- Advised Korean governmental departments/agencies, state-owned companies, and associations on regulations of major countries
- Advised the Financial Services Commission on the assessment of risks of FATF proliferation financing and the amendment of the Act on Prohibition against the Financing of Terrorism
- Advised the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries on the WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies and IPEF negotiations
- Advised the Korea Trade Commission on the introduction of the circumvention dumping system in Korea
- Represented a domestic company in the Korea Trade Commission’s anti-dumping lawsuit
- Advised domestic and foreign companies on the Korean government’s subsidies
- Advised state-owned companies and associations on G2G agreements and government procurement
- 2018-2020Seoul National University Graduate School of Law (Ph.D., coursework completed, Public International Law)
- 2016-2017U.S. Georgetown Law Center (LL.M., International Legal Studies, with distinction)
- Certificate in WTO Studies
- U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Graduate Scholarship Awardee
- 2001-2006Pusan National University College of Law (LL.B.)
- 2012Admitted to bar, Korea
Korean, English, Chinese
- “New compliance measures for Korean Enterprises amid Trend of integration between U.S. sanctions and export controls: Focusing on sanctions and export control against Russia”, Trade&Security, no.8, KOSTI (December 2024)
- "WTO Role and Limitations in the Era of U.S.-China Technology Competition: Focusing on Export Control of Technology", Trade Law Policy, no.7, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (May 2024)
- "Export controls and sanctions imposed on the grounds of human rights”, Trade Security Brief Vol. 2022-2, Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry (Co-authored, December 2022)
- "Comparisons and implications of sanctions imposed by major countries against Russia for Ukraine intervention", Trade Security Brief Vol. 2022-1, Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry (Advisor, December 2022)
- "Study on Economic Restrictions against North Korea imposed by the U.S. Government and Compliance with Restrictions by Korean Enterprises: By Focusing on Marine Trade", Unification & Law Vol. 52, Ministry of Justice (2022)
- "The Changing Global Environment Landscape and EV Industry: Prepare for Supply Chain Risks", Monthly EV Magazine, Vol. 22 (April 2022)
- "Compatibility of EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ("EU CBAM") with the WTO TBT Agreement: Exploring the link between the environment, technology and TBT Agreement", Journal of Legislation Research, Vol. 696, MOLEG (2022)
- "Review of Methods and Use of U.S. Financial Sanctions", Trade Security Brief No. 2021-2, Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry (Co-authored, 2021)
- "A Legal Analysis of the US Unilateral Targeted Sanctions under International Law", Human Rights and Justice Journal No. 494, Korean Bar Association (2020)
- "The Applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Economic Sanctions", Humanitarian Law Journal No. 40, Korean Red Cross (2020)
- "Regulating Individuals under International Law and the Rule of Law - Overlapping Jurisdiction between the UN Security Council and International Criminal Court", Law Journal No. 688, MOLEG (2020)
- "United Nations Security Council Sanctions against North Korea - Analysis of sectoral measures and sanctions implementation", Journal of Legislation Research No. 57, MOLEG (2019)
- "A Study exploring the possible way to combat Illicit Trade under the World Trade Organization", Korean Society of International Economic Law Journal Vol. 16, Korean Society of International Economic Law (2018)
- "Illicit Trade and the WTO: Raising Awareness and Building Strategies", Trade Lab (Co-authored, 2017)
- "Korea-China FTA Negotiation: Progress and Forecast of Negotiation", Customs and Trade Journal Vol. 488, Korea Customs Services (2013)
Lectures and Seminars
- Presenter, Trends in U.S. outbound investment regulations and their impacts on domestic enterprises, co-hosted by KOSTI and KIEP (November 2024)
- Debater, Prospects for Changes in International Trade System After U.S. Presidential Election, National Assembly (November 2024)
- Presenter, Latest Trends for Global Sanctions, Export Controls and Compliance Measures (July 2024)
- Presenter, Comprehensive understanding of domestic export control laws and key issues, co-hosted by Korea International Trade Association and Ministry of Jusitce (July 2024)
- Lecturer, FATF's recommendations on anti-money laundering schemes and laws, Korea Banking Institute (April 2024)
- Presenter, Major supply chain legal policy trends that companies must know, co-hosted by Daishin Economic Research Institute and Korean Society of International Economic Law (February 2024)
- Presenter, the Cases and Implications of Korea's WTO SPS Dispute at the symposium co-hosted by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Korea Maritime Institute (October 2023)
- Lecturer, Compliance and Management Plan for Corporate Overseas Regulations, LexisNexis (September 2023)
- Presenter, Overseas regulatory compliance and supply chain management in the era of U.S.-China strategic competition (August 2023)
- Presenter, at the joint conference of the Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry and the Korean Society of Trade Remedies on the Current Status and Legal Principles of Technology Control: Focusing on the U.S. and Semiconductor Sector (June 2023)
- Presenter, U.S.-China Semiconductor Competition and Supply Chain Restructuring, co-hosted by Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry (KOSTI) and Korea Association of Trade & Industry Studies (June 2023)
- Presenter, Trends of Support and Regulatory Policy for the Global Semiconductor Industry, co-hosted by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and Korea International Trade Association (May 2023)
- The 1st New Trade Round Table, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (April 2023)
- Legislative trends in the United States (esp. the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)) and their industrial impacts on the carbon-neutral industry in Korea, the 6th Trade Industry Forum (April 2023)
- Creation of a new market based on standardization of sophisticated technology with the aim of advancing into the 4 largest global standardization countries, and making an appearance in the monthly trade expert debate of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (January 2023)
- Presenter, Business Forum on the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its Impact on Companies in Korea and Canada-Korea Partnership, co-hosted by KOTRA ALC and The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (November 2022)
- Presenter, Seminar on Key Provisions of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Countermeasures of Enterprises, co-hosted by Shin & Kim LLC and The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry (September 2022)
- U.S. Export Control System Forum on Comparison of Export Control Measures implemented by the U.S. Government against Russia and China and Forecast of the U.S. Export Control System, co-hosted by The Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry and The Korea International Trade Association (September 2022)
- U.S. Climate Change Response Legislation and Policy Trends and Forecasts (Presentation at 3rd Global Trade Law Seminar), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (June 2022)
- Emergency Meeting on the Impact of Sanctions Against the Russian Economy on International Contracts and Legal Countermeasures (Jointly hosted by KORCHAM-KCAB, Participated as Panel) (April 2022)
- Recent Trends and Forecasts of Key Countries’ Economic Sanctions on Russia and Trade Policies, Shin & Kim LLC – IHCF Joint Seminar and Lecture (April 2022)
- Key Summary and Impact of US, EU Sanctions Against Russian Following the Ukraine Incident, Shin & Kim LLC - KORCHAM Joint Seminar and Presentation (March 2022)
- Key Summary and Impact of US Financial Sanctions, KIF (March 2022)
- 20216th Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Thesis Award ‘Grand Prize (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Award)
- 2021TBT High-level Research Project ‘Excellence’ Award (Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Award)
- 20201st Korean Bar Association Academic ‘Best Thesis’ Award
- "Leading Individual" for International Trade, Chambers Asia, 2025
- "Best Lawyer" for Overseas Legal and International Disputes, JoongAng Ilbo, Korea In-house Counsel Association, 2024
- "Rising Star" for International Commerce, Legal Times, 2022